Dear Doctor Could you talk a bit about face symmetry.?I heard that


Dear Doctor
Could you talk a bit about face symmetry.?I heard that noody in this world has symmetrical face, so how this happens
I have some assysmetry in my face especially the lower jaw so i feel that there is some curve in my right side of my jaw. what could the reasons be for this ? and do I need intensive surgery to fix that.?

إجابة ( 1 )

  1. Welcome to consultation services ..

    Actually the face asymmetry is a fact . it results from everyday exposures that meet us starting from the side we prefer to sleep on the bed , passing by the unequal sun exposure on our face in the street and the cars , and up to the random wounds and scars we get all over our life .

    so the curve you notice on your jaw is a normal finding , provided that it doesn’t interfere with the normal functions of face and mouth .

    Kind Regards .

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