What is meaning of Abnormal forms is 35% And type of Abnormal :


What is meaning of Abnormal forms is 35%
And type of Abnormal : amorphous & pinpoint head?
im 36 years married from Two years and this is my Semen Exam & Peroxidase result :

color: greyish white

blood: absent

volume: 3 ml

reaction: alkaline pH: 8.0

viscosity: normal

liquefaction time: 30 min

total sperm count ml : 80,00,000

sperm count ejaculate:240,000,000

Direct SMEAR Motility :

1st hour: 50%

2nd hour: 40%

3rd hour: 30 %


progressive (PR%) : 25 %

Non progressive (NP%) :25 %

Total motilty (PR+NP%) :50 %

Immotile (IM %) : 50%
Abnormal forms : 35%

Type of Abnormality : Amorphous & pinpoint head

Agglutination : Absent

peroxidase test :

Spermatogenic cells ml : 300,000

W.B.C.s ml : 400,000

R.B.C H.P.F :0-2

Trichnomonas : Absent
Others : Absent

إجابة ( 1 )

  1. مرحبا أخي الفاضل ,

    نرجو منك رفع صورة لتقرير السائل المنوي , ورفعه على أحد مواقع الرفع وامدادنا بالرابط لنتمكن من افادتك بشكل سليم .

    تحياتي .

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