Hello, I am 30 years old, I have black/age spots on my face. Knowing


Hello, I am 30 years old, I have black/age spots on my face. Knowing that I always wear sun cream, any good treatment or cream? Th

إجابات ( 3 )

  1. greetings dear sister 🙂

    most probably these spots related to skin problem known as Melasma but for proper diagnosis you should visit dermatologist to confirm the diagnosis , prescribe the appropriate plan of management ,,,,,

    treatment options include :

    – Hydrocoinone cream to lighten the skin , used twice per day

    – Azylic acid 15-20%

    – Retinoic acid 10% as tretinoin

    -Lactic acid wash

    – Glycolic acid cream

    also you should avoid sun exposure between 10 am and 4 pm .

    wishing you speed recovery 🙂

  2. Thank you for your reply. Should I use all of these? Or one is enough

  3. greetings dear sister 🙂

    those were the available options for treatment but you should visit dermatologist to confirm the diagnosis , prescribe the appropriate plan of management ,,,,,

    we are very sorry as we can’t prescribe any drug without examination of the patient for your safety ,,,,,

    ,,,,,never use drugs without prescription for your safety

    wishing you speed recovery 🙂

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