how can i stop masturbation as i get ashamed from myself from doing


how can i stop masturbation as i get ashamed from myself from doing that plllz help me in stopping by ur devices and u might to know i am in 19 and i do it for 3 years till now …..

إجابة ( 1 )

  1. greetings dear brother 🙂

    it is great that you want to stop such doing , so we will give you some steps for doing that :

    1- first , you have to decrease the ratio of masturbation to 3 times per week instead of 7 and so on ,,,,,

    2- avoid to be alone as this may lead you to do such act ,,,,

    3- practice sports regularly

    4- Distracting leisure by useful things

    5- avoid places where TV ,computers and girls are present

    6- do not go to sleep unless you are tired

    7- finally , you should know that Allah is watching us in every moment

    8- don’t forget , willpower is the key to doing miracles

    for more information we suggest these articles for reading :

    ” العادة السرية ” كلام بالعقل

    اقرأ المحتوى الأصلى على موقع استشارتي

    المصدر ©استشارتي

    فوائد وأضرار العادة السرية

    اقرأ المحتوى الأصلى على موقع استشارتي

    المصدر ©استشارتي

    best wishes 🙂

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