ما هي الطريقة الصحيحة في علاج الحرقان في المهبل الشديد وما هي أسبابه؟


مساء الخير , كنت ابحث عن طرق علاج الحرقان في المهبل ,حيث انني اعاني من حرقة شديدة في المهبل ولا أعرف ما السبب في ذلك ؟! , أرجو الرد وشكرا مقدماً .

إجابات ( 3 )

  1. مرحبا , يرجى اعاده ارسال الاستشارو بالعربيه للحصول على اجابه مناسبه
    hello , please , rephrase your complaint in english in order to get a proper response

  2. hello, please i want to know what is the treatment of vaginal irritation in women

  3. – hello ,
    – vaginal irritation can be caused by excessive use of vaginal wash , infection , certain types of clothes not suitable to your body , excessive sweating and friction
    – using lotion/creams or otherwise materials that are not suitable to your skin , having unprotected sexual intercourse , also introduction of soaps/oils into the vaginal might cause irritation
    – if your are experiencing symptoms of itching , inflammtion , soreness , discharge of offensive odor or yellow/green color , discharges that seems like which cheesy material or having pains during intercourse or lower abdominal pain you might be suffering from bacterial/fungal infection that need to be looked at and treated
    our best wishes

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